Madagascar red rice, zebu meat, vanilla, breams, fatty liver, seafood, arranged rhum… and many more!

Unforgettable gastronomy
The Gastronomy of the Great Island awakens the taste buds with influences of African, Asian and Creole cuisines. You can find good tables everywhere. The basis of the food of Malagasy is rice: either in reduced cooking, in broth, or reduced with coconut, this accompanied by meat, fish, or vegetables. Among the best known dishes and absolutely to taste: romazava (meat stew with brèdes), ravitoto (crushed manioc leaves) with coconut. On the coasts, grilled fish and lobsters are on the menu, grilled or cooked with sauce.
La Gastronomie de la Grande Île réveille les papilles avec des influences de cuisines africaine, asiatique et créole. Vous pourrez trouver partout de bonnes tables. La base de la nourriture des Malgaches est le riz : soit en cuisson réduite, en bouillon, ou réduit avec du coco, cela accompagné de viandes, de poissons, ou de légumes. Parmi les plats les plus connus et absolument à goûter : le romazava (ragoût de viande avec de brèdes), le ravitoto (feuilles de manioc pilées) au coco. Sur les côtes, les poissons et les langoustes grillés sont au menu, grillés ou cuisinés avec de la sauce. Translated with (free version)

For the last 20 years, the «composé Malagasy » dish has been in vogue but above all within everyone’s reach. It can be enjoyed in simple gargotes especially or in salad bars called «kopozé». This appetizer, which sometimes serves as a snack, a mixture of macaroni, macedonian, carrot or cabbage achards and dry pasta with soy sauce: served with a little chicken or vegetable broth, it is to be enjoyed with hot pepper! Almost all Malagasy love this dish, especially the women’s Escapades team!
Finally, in terms of drinks, the Malagasy drink water or rice water during meals (after the reduced cooking of the rice, the bottom of the pot with cooked rice is added water, this drink is drunk very hot). Malagasy people also drink beer (the country’s beer is particularly good), homemade coconut punch, rum arranged with its fruits and other various fragrances: ginger, banana, baobab, pok pok, etc… During your trip, your guide or driver will be there to introduce you to this beautiful palette of Malagasy gastronomy, mazotoa homana o! (Enjoy your meal!)